October 25, 2007

Internet Explorer vs. Firefox

I bypassed a well-known filtering mechanism and gained access blocked website. I used easy trick but I got one cool solution that what I have wanted to publish here. It is Internet Explorer 7 related too. IE7 is captured biggest market share due to its look and features. You can install too but before it just check following comparison.

That said filtering mechanism installed on a proxy server. It requires authentication every time when you access outside web. I used Mozilla Firefox to bypass it and gain illegal access of blocked website. But, I faced a problem with Java content web page. This trick didn't work with Java content web page. I installed Vista-aero theme on Firefox which helped me to see Java content web page easily and gave me a brand new Idea!!

So, if you like tabbed browsing and don't want to go with Internet Explorer 7 then just download MSN Tool bar and enjoy tabbed browsing in old version of IE. OR, just download Mozilla Firefox, install Vista-aero theme and get best experience of browsing which you never had before. Check real scree shot of Mozilla Firefox with vista-aero theme.

October 21, 2007

OEM Information

When you make right click on My Computer icon and hit properties then you will find company's Logo and Useful information on My Computer's General Tab. Every computer manufacturing company provide this kind of information for customer support and service. You can yourself edit, modify, or create this kind of details called OEM info. For it you just need to create following 2 files in C:\WINDOWS\system32

(1) OEMLOGO.BMP: It is Bitmap(.bmp) picture file which size is 182 x 115 pixels
(2) OEMINFO.INI: Just create a text file in notepad and write following lines and save it with .ini extension with name OEMINFO

[Support Information]
Line1=" "
Line2=" "
Line3=" "