June 28, 2007

Computer Ports

There are two types of port in computer world.
(1) Physical Port: They are Hardware ports. They are located exact behind your CPU (computer tower). For example: Ports like Keyboard, Mouse, COM1, COM2, etc...
(2) Virtual Port: They also known as software ports. They are virtual pipes through which information flows. Every open software port has a service or daemon running on it. A service or daemon is a term used to describe the software running on these ports. It is just like doors. They are classified as following.
  • Well-known Ports: Port number 0 to 1023
  • Registered Ports: Port number 1024 to 49151
  • Dynamic/Private Ports: Port number 49152 to 65535
Some popular ports are described as follows..

5(TCP/UDP)->RJE(Remote Job Entry)
7(TCP/UDP)->ECHO Protocol
9(TCP/UDP)->DISCARD Protocol
11(TCP/UDP)->SYSTAT Protocol
13(TCP/UDP)->DAYTIME Protocol
17(TCP/UDP)->QOTD(Quote of the Day) Protocol
18(TCP/UDP)->Message Send Protocol
19(TCP/UDP)->CHARGEN (Character Generator) Protocol
20(TCP)->FTP - Data port
21(TCP)->FTP Control (command) Port
22(TCP/UDP)->SSH (Secure Shell) Secure logins
23(TCP/UDP)->TELNET Protocol
25(TCP/UDP)->SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
26(TCP/UDP)->RSFTP (simple FTP)
35(TCP/UDP)->QMS Megicolor Printer
37(TCP/UDP)->TIME Protocol
38(TCP/UDP)->Route Access Protocol
39(TCP/UDP)->Resource Location Protocol
42(TCP/UDP)->Host Name Server
43(TCP)->WHOIS Protocol
53(TCP/UDP)->DNS (Domain Name System)
57(TCP)->MTP (Mail Transfer Protocol)
69(UDP)->TFTP(Trivial File Transfer Protocol)
70(TCP)->Gopher Protocol
79(TCP)->Finger Protocol
80(TCP)->HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
109(TCP)->POP2 (Post Office Protocol version 2)
110(TCP)->POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3)
118(TCP)->SQL Services
143(TCP/UDP)->IMAP4 (Internet Message Access Protocol 4)
156(TCP/UDP)->SQL Service
194(TCP)->IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
401(TCP/UDP)->UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)
443(TCP)->HTTPS/HTTP, TLS/SSL (encrypted transmission)

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