February 22, 2008

Desktop.ini & Thumbs.db

I got few emails and call regarding Desktop.ini & Thumbs.db. People thought that Desktop.ini & Thumbs.db are malicious software. I got same question regarding Desktop.ini & Thumbs.db at my web site's 'Feel Free to Write' section too. I wanted to clarify about Desktop.ini & Thumbs.db. Thats why I have posted this. Hope, it will help to my Blog reader!!

Desktop.ini :
It is Windows XP system file that stores information about customized folders of your system. If you have customized the display of a folder like changing its icon, its view or anything, Windows has saved those settings in a file named 'Desktop.ini'.

Thumbs.db :
As like Desktop.ini file, it is also a system file which generated automatically by Windows XP when you view the contents of a folder in “Thumbnail” or “Filmstrip” view is known as 'Thumbs'db'. It contains a copy of each of the small preview images generated for image files in that folder so that they load up quickly the next time you browse that folder.
Please see the following screenshot for Desktop.ini & Thumbs.db.

How to get remove Desktop.ini & Thumbs.db?
Mostly people do not like working with these files. They treat these files as virus. I found some tech person also do not know much more about these files. Some of those tech person make fool laymen. So please be careful!

It is easy to remove Desktop.ini & Thumbs.db from your computer.
  • Go to 'Tools' menu of any folder
  • Go to 'Folder Options'
  • Reach to tab named 'View'
  • Go to 'Advance Settings' option
  • Where you can get two options (1) Do not cache thumbnails & (2) Hide protected operating system files
  • Just select above both options
  • Click on Apply and then Ok
For more help please refer following screenshot of Folder Options.

February 13, 2008

PrimoPDF - Free PDF Converter

There are so many PDF(Portable Document Format) writer available. But I found this one named "PrimoPDF" is high quality Free PDF converter. It has a lot facility in it. It is nothing but a virtual printer which can facilitate you to print any application/ program which has a "Print" command in it. So, when you take print then you get Portable Document Format(PDF) as output. You can visit its website from HERE.

  • It is absolutely FREE software with around 21 MB size.
  • It acquires approx. 21 MB disk size.
  • It has 40 & 128-bit encryption facility.
  • It supports all Microsoft Windows Platform including Windows Vista.
  • It supports all type of Fonts.
  • It provides the ability to optimize PDF output for screen, print, ebook, and prepress.
  • Add Document Properties like 'Title', 'Author', 'Subject' & 'Keywords'.
  • You can download it from following link or its home page.
  • PrimoPDF v3.2 has ability to merge PDF files upon conversion.
  • Download Link -> PRIMOPDF

February 04, 2008

Legal Notice Caption - Windows

This is a good trick which runs before logon to Windows. It works with all Windows. It displays a message window before logon. You can yourself create a Legal Caption for your computer system. Go to Start-> Run command. Then open Registry Editor with help of 'regedit'.

Find the appropriate key for your operating system.

Windows 95, 98 and Me:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

Windows NT, 2000 and XP:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

Create/modify a string value(REG_SZ) named 'LegalNoticeCaption' and type the text you want to appear in the legal notice windows title bar. (e.g. 'CAUTION')

Create/modify a string value(REG_SZ) named 'LegalNoticeText' and type the text you want to appear as message body. (e.g. 'THIS COMPUTER BELONGS TO MR. XYZ')

Restart your computer and you will get to see a Legal Notice dialog box window before logon to Windows. Please refer real screen shots for help.