September 29, 2008

MS Office Save as PDF

Sometimes, we do really miss important add on facility on basic software. As well, there is a Save as PDF option introduced by Microsoft Corporation for Microsoft Office 2007 Programs. This is really a cool add on by Microsoft Corporation. You just need to download a 'Save as PDF' tool from following link.

You will get save as pdf option in save as type after installed above add on. This allows you to export and save to PDF (Portable Document Format) format of any programs of MS Office 2007 set. You can convert MS Word or Excel files in PDF with this tool so easily.


September 13, 2008

NTLDR Trouble

I handled an issue regarding NTLDR missing error on system boot up. The NTLDR is boot loader for Microsoft Windows (specially NT based operating system) and known NT Loder. The NTLDR runs from Primary HDD, USB Drive, CD-ROM too. It is booting system file so once its corrupted then it won't let you load/boot your operating system. Please check some reasons to corrupt NTLDR.
  • Boot priority/sequence changed
  • Due to up gradation of operating system
  • Due to virus/malware
  • Install any lower version of Windows on pre-installed higher version Windows (dual booting operating system)
One of NTLDR's error is shown below(please see screen shot). It says "NTLDR is missing.. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart."

I tried following solution on few machines and got success. I hope it will help you too. You just need bootable Windows 98 CD and Windows XP CD. First, change boot priority from Hard Disk to CD ROM. Then, insert Windows 98 CD and get command propmt. Just leave as it is and open CD ROM while command propmt. Remove Windows 98 CD and insert Windows XP CD. Now, you just need to copy 2 files from Windows XP CD to your Primary Hard Disk (i.e. C: ). You can use following command lines to copy files. Suppose your main primary partition drive letter is C: and CD ROM drive letter is E:

  • E:\> copy E:\i386\ntldr C:\
  • E:\> copy E:\i386\ C:\
Please change boot priority device before restart your system. I hope this will work. Best of Luck!!!


September 01, 2008

WMS Idle Error on Shutdown

I got a call regarding an error which arrived when they did shutdown their computer. It was WMS Idle error which appeared on Windows shutdown. They did hit end process to shutdown their computer. It wasn't harmful but no one likes this kind of interruption. Well, it was nothing but related with 'nmbgmonitor' which referred to Nero Application. The Nero installed on their computer and it was running while they did shut their computer off. That is was they got an error.

I suggested them to go to start then open run and type msconfig.msc. Its nothing but System Configuration Utility. Please see following screen shot of msconfig.msc.

I told them to kill service named 'NMBGMonitor' under 'Startup' tab of msconfig.msc. Once they made changes the WMS Idle error haven't seen back again. Please see following screen shot.
