September 13, 2008

NTLDR Trouble

I handled an issue regarding NTLDR missing error on system boot up. The NTLDR is boot loader for Microsoft Windows (specially NT based operating system) and known NT Loder. The NTLDR runs from Primary HDD, USB Drive, CD-ROM too. It is booting system file so once its corrupted then it won't let you load/boot your operating system. Please check some reasons to corrupt NTLDR.
  • Boot priority/sequence changed
  • Due to up gradation of operating system
  • Due to virus/malware
  • Install any lower version of Windows on pre-installed higher version Windows (dual booting operating system)
One of NTLDR's error is shown below(please see screen shot). It says "NTLDR is missing.. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart."

I tried following solution on few machines and got success. I hope it will help you too. You just need bootable Windows 98 CD and Windows XP CD. First, change boot priority from Hard Disk to CD ROM. Then, insert Windows 98 CD and get command propmt. Just leave as it is and open CD ROM while command propmt. Remove Windows 98 CD and insert Windows XP CD. Now, you just need to copy 2 files from Windows XP CD to your Primary Hard Disk (i.e. C: ). You can use following command lines to copy files. Suppose your main primary partition drive letter is C: and CD ROM drive letter is E:

  • E:\> copy E:\i386\ntldr C:\
  • E:\> copy E:\i386\ C:\
Please change boot priority device before restart your system. I hope this will work. Best of Luck!!!



Santanu Chatterjee said...

you have'nt exactly mentioned where to copy this 2 files from the OS CD.Is it inside a particular folder under the Windows folder?Otherwise the whole explaination of yours is a waste1

Haard said...

Mr. Santanu,
Please read entire post carefully. It doesn't matter that where you copy/paste those 2 files. You just need to paste those files on your Primary partition. You don't need to paste those in any particular folder.

Thanks & Regards